
I am a 79-year-old female that primarily lives in Scottsdale, Arizona but all of my family lives in New Jersey. I started with a severe sinus infection and was on high dose of anti-biotic. For two weeks, I was on Levaquin. Twenty days after the sinus infection I was diagnosed with severe vertigo and I had to go to the ER. I went through an audiologist test and have a 27% loss of vestibular function in the right ear. Two weeks after I had vertigo I went back to work out with my trainer, and he told me to slow down and focus. I was treated at the Mayo Clinic in Arizona for my sinus infection and I also was treated at the Mayo Clinic for Occupational Therapy for my vestibular imbalance and vertigo. After Occupational Therapy, I left town for 2 months to visit my family in New Jersey. My sinus infection got better, but I was still having problems with my vestibular imbalance and vertigo. During the time I was in New Jersey I was taken to see Andrew by my son. Andrew sat and talked to me for about 30 minutes and he started to work with my hands and eyes and watched me walk. When I walked out of his office, I walked to my car and the fuzziness in my head was gone and it was gone for about 5 weeks. He gave me a couple of simple eye exercises that I did religiously six times a day. By doing the exercises that Andrew gave to me, I got my life back.

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